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Εγώ και τα συναισθήματά μου - Συναισθηματική... Τίτλος Μαθήματος: Εγώ και τα συναισθήματά μου
Μάθημα / Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Συναισθηματική Αγωγή - Αναγνώριση & έκφραση συναισθημάτων Τάξη: Ειδική Αγωγή – Κατώτερη - Μεσαία - Ανώτερη Βαθμίδα (Ειδικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο) Διάρκεια: Προτείνεται η υλοποίηση του σεναρίου σε μία ώρα συμπεριλαμβανομένων των συχνών διαλειμμάτων τα οποία απαιτούνται μεταξύ των δραστηριοτήτων. Υπάρχει η... Downloaded: 9 times Updated on: December 02, 2024
Γεωργία Τσακίρη |
Τι κάνω αν χαλάσει το αγαπημένο μου παιχνίδι -... Κοινωνική Ιστορία για μαθητές με ειδικές ανάγκες ή και για μαθητές τυπικής ανάπτυξης
Μάθημα: Συναισθηματική Αγωγή - Διαχείριση απρόοπτων καταστάσεων Λέξεις κλειδιά: social stories, autism, special education, κοινωνικές ιστορίες Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: November 15, 2024
Γεωργία Τσακίρη |
Η μετανάστευση Keywords: μετανάστευση, πολιτική παιδεία, κοινωνική και πολιτική αγωγή
Run time: 2 διδακτικές ώρες Delivery Mode: στην τάξη Resources: δεν απαιτούνται Outline of Activities: Στόχος του μαθήματος είναι να ευαισθητοποιηθούν οι μαθητες για το κοινωνικό φαινόμενο της μετανάστευσης Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: July 02, 2023
Xristiana Pasxidou |
Understand and Applying Styles of Leadership This lesson is appropriate for an undergraduate course that includes a unit or units in leadership. It was originally designed for a group dynamics class cross-listed between psychology and communication, but it also has wide application for business, arts and sciences courses, and the health professions. Students prepare for the Team-Based Learning module by reading a textbook chapter, a brief... Downloaded: 6 times Updated on: December 26, 2021
Chelsea Bullock |
Digital Citizenship - Digital Democracy Keywords: Digital, Citizenship, Democracy
Run time: 60 minutes Delivery Mode: Remote Resources: Web Outline of Activities: Watch introductory video, Answer questions: True or False and Multiple Choice, Write a short text/presentation or work on a data file. Downloaded: 8 times Updated on: September 17, 2021
Sotirios Christopoulos |
Social Distance - Dilemma Social Distance - Digital Dilemma
This resource is an adaption of new tools in development by Project Zero's Education with Digital Dilemmas Project (Carrie James & Emily Weinstein) and Common Sense Education. Description: In this lesson, we present the case of Kaden and friends. When their school was closed as the effects of the ongoing pandemic, they decided to share on Social... Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: April 19, 2021
Chelsea Bullock |
Metanasteysi- kef.12 Keywords: Πολιτική παιδεία, Μετανάστευση, προσφυγας, άσυλο, διασπορά, ιθαγένεια, ευεργέτης
Run time: 90'- 120' Delivery Mode: στην τάξη, στο σπίτι Resources: καμία έξτρα Outline of Activities: διδασκαλία ή/και εμπέδωση του κεφ. 12 του μαθήματος Πολιτικής Παιδείας της Α λυκείου. Έρευνα και εμβάθυνση στην ύλη του κεφαλαίου με ζητούμενα προβληματισμού και επικαιροποίησης πάνω στο... Subjects: Political science Sociology Downloaded: 7 times Updated on: June 21, 2018
Κοτρώτσου_Εργασία 3 Keywords: ρατσισμός, διαφορετικότητα
Run time: 3 διδακτικές ώρες Delivery Mode: Ανεστραμμένη τάξη Resources: videos,youtube| Outline of Activities: Νεοελληνική Γλώσσα, Δημιουργική Γραφή,Debate, Συνέντευξη Διδακτικοί στόχοι Downloaded: 8 times Updated on: June 20, 2018
Maria Kotrotsou |
Ο Κανονας Του Εσωρουχου Σχεδιο μαθηματος με στοχο την ενημερωση και την ευαισθητοποιηση των μαθητων/μαθητριων σε θεματα σεξουαλικης κακοποιησης
Keywords: σεξουαλικη κακοποιηση Run time: 2 Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: June 20, 2018
ΑΝΤΙΛΟΓΙΑ ΦΟΡΩΝΤΑΣ ΚΑΠΕΛΛΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ... Keywords: six thinking hats, peace, dimensions analysi, artful thinking
Run time: 6 hours (3 weeks: 2x3) Delivery Mode: in class, in computes laboratory Resources: Aims: advance creative and reflecting writing skills Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: May 21, 2018
smaragda faridou |
Run time: 2017 - 2018 Delivery Mode: THEOLOGY Resources: BIBLE, ICONS, PICTURES, POEMS Outline of Activities: LAMS, Downloaded: 0 times Updated on: May 19, 2018
smaragda faridou |
Παράδειγμα- Εξερεύνηση εναλλακτικών προοπτικών Keywords:ΤΠΕ,εκπαίδευση, εκπαιδευτικός
Run time: 45min Resources: Outline of Activities: Οι εκπαιδευόμενοι προσπαθούν να απαντήσουν σε ερωτήματα για το νέο ρόλο που καλείται να παίξει ο εκπαιδευτικός με την είσοδο των ΤΠΕ στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία. Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: March 05, 2018
Ada Chalazia |
η ελληνικη οικογενεια Keywords: η οικογένεια- η ελληνική οικογένεια, τύποι, ιστορικη αναδρομη, σύγχρονη ελληνικη οικογένεια
Run time: 2 διδακτικες ωρες Delivery Mode: τάξη Resources: διαδικτυο Outline of Activities:1.να ορισουν την έννοια της οικογένειας και της συγγένειας. Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: April 16, 2016
vasiliki massoura |
The United Kingdom - English 5th Grade Keywords: Geography, Culture, Project, Reading comprehension, Written production
Run time: 2 teaching sessions (about 90 mins) Delivery Mode: Online Resources: The British Council website,, Outline of Activities: Reading, Project on it Subjects: Language and Linguistics Anthropology Education Literature Arts Sociology Geography Other History Cultural and ethnic studies Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: April 10, 2016
Effrosyni Zachari |
ΤΕΛΙΚΗ Easter in the UK - Δ. Στεφανίδου Keywords: english, UK, Easter, αγγλικά, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, Πάσχα
Run time: about 45΄ Delivery Mode: in class/ at home/ in class + at home Resources: computer, internet connection, (projector for delivery in class) Outline of Activities: SUBJECT: TARGET AUDIENCE: Subjects: Language and Linguistics Anthropology Education Sociology Geography Cultural and ethnic studies Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: April 09, 2016
Despina Stefanidou |
ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΣΑ ΜΑΖΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗΣ Η ακολουθία αυτή έχει ως σκοπό vα εξοικειωθούν οι μαθητές µε τα ΜΜΕ ( Τηλεόραση, Τύπος, Ραδιόφωνο, Διαδίκτυο) και να αντιληφθούν το ρόλο τους στην ενηµέρωση. Keywords:τηλεόραση, ραδιόφωνο, διαδίκτυο, εφημερίδες επικοινωνία Run time:3-4 διδακτικές ώρες. Delivery Mode: Στην τάξη και στο σπίτι. Resources:Δεν απαιτείται Outline of Activities:Η ακολουθία αυτή απευθύνεται σε μαθητές... Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: April 08, 2016
maria gourlia |
citizenship-Τηγάνης Keywords: Citizenship Run time: 20 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra file required Outline of Activities: citizenship help us understand the structure of our society, our role, our obligations. Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: April 03, 2016
Vasilis Tiganis |
Citizenship_κυπαρισση Keywords: Citizenship, family
Run time:Six 50 minute lessons (including homework) plus Australian Citizenship activities. Delivery Mode: In class, blended with face to face activities and homework. Resources: no extra files required Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 30, 2016
Vassiliki Kiparissi |
Citizenship_29012014_1 Keywords:πόλη, κράτος,ιθαγένεια
Run time: 45΄στην τάξη Delivery Mode: στην τάξη Resources:διαδίκτυο, εγκυκλοπαίδεια Outline of Activities: η έννοια της ιθαγένειας και του πολίτη ,τα είδη του πολιτευματος Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 29, 2016
Sofia Charitopoulou |
Run time: 10 λεπτά Delivery Mode: Στο σχολείο ή στο απίτι Resources: Δεν απαιτείται επιπλέον υλικό Outline of Activities: Έλεγχος γνώσεων Subjects: Political science Sociology Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: March 29, 2016
Έκθεση Γ' Λυκείου - Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα Η συγκεκριμένη ακολουθία εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων σχεδιάστηκε και δημιουργήθηκε σύμφωνα με το εποικοδομητικό μοντέλο διδασκαλίας. Αρχικά ο εκπαιδευτικός προσανατολίζει τον εκπαιδευόμενο και στη συνέχεια δίνεται η δυνατότητα στον μαθητή να εκφράσει τις ιδέες του. Στα επόμενα βήματα πραγματοποιείται σχηματισμός των ομάδων, επιλέγουν το θέμα που επιθυμούν να ερευνήσουν και αφού ολοκληρώσουν... Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: March 29, 2016
Stella Tsalapata |
“Citizenship” - τροποποιημένο - Ζήση Keywords: citizenship
Run time: 45 minutes Delivery Mode: it can be run as an out of class activity Resources: extra files required Outline of Activities: modified sequence , Aim: To learn about their "family-tree" Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 28, 2016
Ανθούλα Ζήση |
Citizenship Keywords: Citizenship, citizenship,πολυπολιτισμική κοινωνία, γενεαλογικό δέντρο
Run time:1 ώρα Delivery Mode: Στην τάξη ή στο σπίτι Resources: Δεν απαιτούνται Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: March 27, 2016
Ioannis Ballas |
crisis-Nakou Keywords: Κρίση, επιπτώσεις, διατροφή.
Run time: Περίπου 2 διδακτικές ώρες. Delivery Mode: Μέσα στην τάξη. Resources: Outline of Activities: Στόχος της παρούσας ακολουθίας είναι να αντιληφθούν οι μαθητές ότι η κρίση δεν είναι ένα νέο φαινόμενο, ποιές ομάδες πλήττει περισσότερο και με ποιό τρόπο. Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: March 27, 2016
Eleni Nakou |
Citizenship-Nakou Keywords: citizeship, family tree
Run time: about 2 hours Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: Aim: Through these activities pupils will better understand citizeship and will explore their family tree. Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 12 times Updated on: March 27, 2016
Eleni Nakou |
citizenship-Lymaraki Keywords: family tree citizenship - Lets make your family tree
Run time: 1 hour Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: family tree citizenship Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: March 26, 2016
Fotini Lymaraki |
Citizenship_20160326 Keywords: citizenship for enlish language users
Run time: about 2h Delivery Mode: in class and as homework Resources: web pages Outline of Activities: to understand and appreciate the term citizenship Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 26, 2016
Yannis Bouyias |
Citizenship schismenou Keywords: family tree
Run time: 15 min Delivery Mode:in class or out of class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: discussion in sall groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 26, 2016
efthymia schismenou |
Citizenship_Τροποποίηση ακολουθίας_Ντοκούτσης Keywords: Citizenship, education, family tree
Run time: 30 minutes Resources: no extra files required Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 26, 2016
Eleftherios Ntokoutsis |
Citizenship test Keywords:Δημιουργία οικογενειακού δέντρου, ανασκόπηση στο παρελθόν της οικογένειας, αναγνώριση συγγενικών σχέσεων μεταξύ των μελών της οικογένειας.
Run time:1 ώρα έως 1.5 ώρες Delivery Mode:στην τάξη Resources: καμμία πηγή δεν απαιτείται Outline of Activities:να αναπτύξουν δημιουργικές ικανότητες, να σχολιάσουν τη δουλειά των άλλων Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 25, 2016
Georgia Papathanasopoulou |
Citizenship_29012014_1 Keywords: citizenship
Run time: 1 h (30 minutes in class and the rest completed out of class) Delivery Mode:in class and out of class activity Resources: extra files required Outline of Activities: discussion in groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 24, 2016
Linda Alexopoulou |
Citizenship_29012014_1 In this sequence we teach students to describe their families Keywords: Citizenship Run time: 2 hours Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files Outline of Activities: 2 Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
Stavros Vagios |
Citizenship_TRIANTIS_X Keywords: family tree
Run time: 1 hour- 1.5 hour Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: how to create their own familie tree Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
Xristos Triantis |
citizenship - Μπέρμπεη Keywords: Citizenship Run time: 15 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra file required Outline of Activities: citizenship help us understand the stracture of our society, our role, our obligations. Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
Κωνσταντίνα Μπέρμπεη |
Citizenship Κόλλιας Keywords: Citizenship Run time: 15 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra file required Outline of Activities: citizenship help us understand the stracture of our society, our role, our obligations. Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
thanasis kollias |
Citizenship Σκεπετάρη Keywords: Citizenship Run time: 15 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra file required Outline of Activities: citizenship help us understand the stracture of our society, our role, our obligations. Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
Mandy Skepetary |
Citizenship Λιάγκας Keywords: Citizenship
Run time: 15 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra file required Outline of Activities: citizenship help us understand the stracture of our society, our role, our obligations. Downloaded: 9 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
S. L. |
Έκθεση Γ' Λυκείου - Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα Η συγκεκριμένη ακολουθία εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων σχεδιάστηκε και δημιουργήθηκε σύμφωνα με το εποικοδομητικό μοντέλο διδασκαλίας. Αρχικά ο εκπαιδευτικός προσανατολίζει τον εκπαιδευόμενο και στη συνέχεια δίνεται η δυνατότητα στον μαθητή να εκφράσει τις ιδέες του. Στα επόμενα βήματα πραγματοποιείται σχηματισμός των ομάδων, επιλέγουν το θέμα που επιθυμούν να ερευνήσουν και αφού ολοκληρώσουν... Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: March 23, 2016
Stella Tsalapata |
Citizenship Keywords: family tree Run time: 1 hour- 1.5 hour Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: how to create their own familie tree. Find their past and realize the sequence of generations Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 10 times Updated on: March 22, 2016
Xristos Triantis |
citizenship_Μπουρσινού Keywords:citizenship,familytree
Run time: Six 50 minute lessons (including homework) plus Australian Citizenship activities. Delivery Mode: In class, blended with face to face activities and homework. Resources: Lesson 1: tools 3, 4 and 5 Lesson 2: tools 6 and 7 Lesson 3: tools 8 and 9 Lesson 4: tool 10 Lesson5: tools 11 and 12 Lesson 6: tools 13 and... Downloaded: 11 times Updated on: March 22, 2016
Paraskevi Boursinou |
Citizenship 33 Keywords:citizenship,familytree
Run time:about 1-1.5h(45min in class and the rest completed out of class) Delivery Mode: in class,but if chat is sheduled can be run as an outof class activity Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: discussion in small groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: March 22, 2016
panagiota floropoulou |
Citizenship_τροποποιημένο Keywords: : creative writing,description Run time: 1-1.5 hours Delivery Mode: in class or out of class activity Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: discussion in small groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: March 21, 2016
Citizenship_K.Vrontinou Keywords:citizenship fammilytree
Run time: 45 min Delivery Mode:in class,but if chat is sheduled can be run as an outof class activity Resources:no extra files required Outline of Activities:discussion in smoll groupe Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 21, 2016
Katerina Vrontinou |
citizenship kbatsiou Keywords:citizenship familytree
Run time: about 45 min. Delivery Mode: in class, but if chat is sheduled can be run as an outof class activity Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: discussion in smoll groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 21, 2016
kyriaki Batsiou |
Citizenship Keywords:Εισαγωγή
Run time: 1 hour- 1.5 hour Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: how to create their own familie tree. Find their past and realize the sequence of generations Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: March 21, 2016
Citizenship schi Keywords: family tree
Run time: 1 hour Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: discussion in small groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: March 20, 2016
efthymia schismenou |
Citizenship_29012014_1 Keywords: creative writing, place ,description
Run time:about 1 - 1.5 hours Delivery Mode: in class or out of class activity Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: Discusion on a groups Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 20, 2016
Ioannis Ispanopoulos |
Citizenship_29012014_1 Keywords: citizen
Run time: 0.5 - 1 hour Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 20, 2016
manolis argyr |
Citizenship - Μιχαλοπούλου Keywords: citizenship
Run time: 1 hour Delivery Mode: in class, but prep needs to be done at home Resources: webpages Outline of Activities: Noticeboard, mind map, Q&A, share resources Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: March 20, 2016
Christina Michalopoulou |
Citizenship_Krikeli in this sequence we teach students a lot of things. Keywords: citizenship,values, description, creative writing. Run time: about 50 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: Exercise for Lams Seminar Outline of Activities: Exercise for Lams Seminar Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 20, 2016
Vaso Krikeli |
citizenshipEFIGAITANIDOU Keywords: citizenship
Run time: 45 min Delivery Mode: inclass Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: a practice exercise for students of a LAMS seminar Οι εκπαιδευόμενοιθα πρέπει να δουλέψουν στην τάξη σε μικρές ομάδες για ναολοκληρώσουν τομάθημα Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 20, 2016
Efi Gaitanidou |
Citizenship-Fakarou Keywords: citizenship
Run time: 1 ώρα Delivery Mode: σχολικό εργαστήριο Resources: - Outline of Activities: Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: March 19, 2016
Vicky Fakarou |
Citizenship Τσαγκαλίδου Keywords: creative writing,description
Run time: 1-1.5 hours Delivery Mode: in class or out of class activity Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: Discussion in small groups Subjects: Sociology Cultural and ethnic studies Downloaded: 7 times Updated on: March 19, 2016
Eleftheria Tsagalidou |
Citizenship_29012014_1 Keywords: citizenship,γενεαλογικό δέντρο
Run time: Μισή ώρα αααααα ααααααααααααααααα Delivery Mode: Τύπος παράδοσης ααααααα ααααααααααααα Outline of Activities: ok ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ Subjects: Anthropology Sociology Downloaded: 8 times Updated on: March 19, 2016
Fotis Apostolidis |
citizenship_Pachoulis Keywords: citizenship, Australia
Run time: Six 50 minute lessons Delivery Mode: In class, blended with face to face activities and homework. Run time: Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 18, 2016
Sokratis Pachoulis |
Citizenship TAGKALAKH EFH Keywords: creative writing,description
Run time: 1-1.5 hours Delivery Mode: in class or out of class activity Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: Discussion in small groups Downloaded: 7 times Updated on: March 18, 2016
Citizenship_29012014_1 Keywords: Citizenship, citizenship
Run time: 1 hour (or 45 minuits in class and the rest completed out of class) Delivery Mode: in class, but if chat is scheduled can be run as an out of class activity Resources: no extra files fequired Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 9 times Updated on: March 17, 2016
Mosha Saloniki |
Citizenship 2 Keywords: citizen
Run time: 15 min Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: citizenship help us understand the stracture of our society, our role, our obligations. Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: March 17, 2016
Gregory Diamantis |
ΜΥΚΗΝΑΙΟΙ_ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ_Α_ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ_ΣΕΡΕΜΕΤΑΚΗΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ Keywords: Μυκήνες, Μυκηναίοι, Μυκηναϊκός πολιτισμός
Run time: 50 λεπτά Delivery Mode: Στην τάξη ή στην αίθουσα πληροφορικής Resources: Διαδίκτυο Outline of Activities: Να μάθουν για την πολιτική και κοινωνική οργάνωση των Μυκηναίων Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: March 17, 2016
Citizenship_ΣΕΡΕΜΕΤΑΚΗΣ Keywords: citizenship, family tree
Run time: 50 min Delivery Mode: in class or online teaching Resources: internet Outline of Activities: to be able to create their family tree Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 17, 2016
Citizenship - παράδειγμα Παναγιωτάκη Keywords: family, family tree
Run time: 45 minutes Delivery Mode: in class or online teaching Resources: internet connection Outline of Activities: How to write a family tree Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 17, 2016
Anna Panagiotaki |
citizenship-Eftaxia Keywords: citizenship, family tree
Run time: 50 min Delivery Mode: in class or online teaching Resources: internet Outline of Activities: to be able to create their family tree Subjects: Anthropology Sociology Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 17, 2016
Connie Eftaxia |
citizenship_Merliaountas Keywords: sociology, citizenship
Run time: 45 Delivery Mode: inclass Resources: Outline of Activities: exercise for LAMS seminar Greece. For exhibition purposes, Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: March 16, 2016
Stefanos Merliaountas |
Citizenship Κυριλή σκοπός της ακολουθίας είναι να γίνει το γενεαλογικό δέντρο Keywords: familly, tree, parents Run time: 1 hour Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: Subjects: Sociology Cultural and ethnic studies Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: March 15, 2016
Maria Kyrili |
Citizenship Keywords: citizenship, values, rights, responsibilities
Run time:50 minutes in class (including homework) Delivery Mode: face to face teaching, online activities, homework Resources: other Outline of Activities: for details check attached support files Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 32 times Updated on: March 15, 2016
Citizenship Keywords: values, rights, responsibilities
Run time: 45 minutes Delivery Mode: in class Resources: no extra files required Outline of Activities: to learn about their rights and responsibilities Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 11 times Updated on: March 15, 2016
Vicky Kapsimali |
Citizenship Keywords: Citizenship, sociology
Run time: 1 hour Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 663 times Updated on: March 15, 2016
Mirka Kouka |
Bullying Keywords: Bullying, PDHPE, Stage 3, Socio-Constructivist, Differentiated activities, Cross Fertilisation of student ideas
Run time: 40 minutes Delivery Mode: Online Resources: Referenced inside activities Outline of Activities: Prior knowledge is activated with images and casual student discussion in chat rooms. Students are then given resources to research for their own... Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: April 08, 2015
stanley wu |
Technology: What do we know? Keywords: Technology, Internet, effects on daily life.
Subject: Technology in Education Audience: Pre-service Teachers Run time: Approx. 2x 90 minutes Delivery Mode: Online Resources: Outline of Activities: Students will complete sequence to understand the effects the internet have had on daily life. Downloaded: 9 times Updated on: March 08, 2015
Anthea Nicholls |
Sharmaine Spencer - HSC Legal Studies -... Keywords: HSC Legal Studies - Sentencing and Punishment LAMS Lesson (EDUC261)
Run time: 40 Minutes Delivery Mode: In class preferably, online - could be completed out of class but group work would work better in class. Resources: Pearson's HSC Legal Studies Third Edition Textbook (Authors: D. Hamper, B. Derwent, J. Boesenberg, M. Hayes, N. Thiering). State Library of New South Wales... Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: January 04, 2015
Sharmaine Sommer Spencer |
Roman Political Structure Keywords: Roman Political Structure
Subject: Politics, history Audience: High School Run time: Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 7 times Updated on: April 12, 2014
Michael Bates |
My Place Keywords:My Place, History, English, collaboration
Subject:History/ English Audience: k-6 Run time: Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: April 07, 2014
Jess Moran |
Australian History - Gold Rush Keywords:Gold Rush, Ned Kelly, Women's Roles, Australian History, Immigration to Australia, Edward Hargraves
Subject:Australian History Audience: Stage 3 (Upper Primary) Students Run time: approx. 40-45min Delivery Mode: Online Resources: Outline of Activities: Students are given the opportunity to research the given topics in groups with various tasks and questions as... Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: April 07, 2014
Stephanie Fiander |
Motivation in Workforce Keywords:Motivation
Subject:Management Audience:University Students Run time:About 40 Min Delivery Mode:Online Resources: Outline of Activities: Subjects: Psychology Sociology Downloaded: 2 times Updated on: April 06, 2014
weimin wu |
The WTO and Trade Keywords: Economics, WTO, Trade
Subject: Economics Audience: Year 12 Run time: 40 Minutes Downloaded: 3 times Updated on: April 06, 2014
Matthew McDowell |
Responsibility Keywords: responsibility, year 2, home, school, people
Subject: Responsibility Audience: Year 2 Run time: Approximately 40 minutes Delivery Mode: Online Resources: Chat, Forum, Noticeboard, Survey, Q&A Outline of Activities: Students will learn about responsibility and what is their responsibility at school, home and in life itself. Subjects: Sociology Downloaded: 4 times Updated on: February 08, 2014
Nicholas Sutedja |
Sexual health, contraception, health and safety Keywords:sexual health, contraception,health, safety
Subject:Sexual Health Audience:Yr 10 co-ed high school Run time:40 mins Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 5 times Updated on: January 19, 2014
Olivia Stannard |
Sexual health Keywords:Sexual health, risk behaviour, consequences
Subject:yr 10 PDHPE Audience:Year 10 public school co-ed Run time:40 mins Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities: Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: January 05, 2014
Olivia Stannard |
Introduction to Asian pop Music Keywords:Asian pop music
Subject: Audience: Run time: Delivery Mode: Resources: Outline of Activities:through video and image to let student know more information about the asian pop music Downloaded: 1 times Updated on: January 05, 2014
Linjin XIE |