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Re: Problems deploying lams_tool_example
By: Fiona Malikoff
In response to 1 | 08/23/06 11:45 PM | |
Sorry for the delay and for the length of the answer - just trying to get you the best answer I can. The lams_tool_example should now build, and I've put an updated copy of Alex's code on the wiki. I also spoke to our developer who had the script for copying an existing tool. It is a small Java program. He cleaned it up a bit and it is now available from: http://wiki.lamsfoundation.org/display/lams/RenameTool Now this isn't beautiful. Its a programmer's utility to make life easier. Do you know the "Cobblers children have the worst shoes" thing? Well it applies here - the utilities to make a developer's life a breeze will always take second priority to what teachers need in LAMS. In the readme file, it suggests using lams_tool_submit as the base. That is correct but there are two caveats: (1) We have had a problem with our tools using the HttpSession too much. Both the learner and authoring screens potentially could appear twice for the same user (at the same time). So the normal use of the session like session.putAttribute("mydto",mydto) can cause problems. We are in the process of fixing this in our tools but submit hasn't been done yet. You can't see this happening at the moment as we have restricted the popup screens in such a way that the two instances of the same screen can't happen. That's why at the moment you can't run preview and learner at the same time. But we plan on removing this restriction before 2.0 is release. I've added a warning about this to the tool contract. (2) In LAMS 1.0.2 we had a separate tool for reflection, that is the notebook entries that learners made based on what they experiences in the sequence. In LAMS 2.0 it will be built into all the tools and the tools will call a shared service. This has been done for some tools but not for the Submit tool yet. Both of these items are on our developers' current list of tasks. So you can take a copy of the submit code now but be aware you might want to take another look at in a week or so time to see how the code has changed. Finally, before you go to far, think about your tool signature. http://wiki.lamsfoundation.org/display/lams/Tool+Signatures You will need to make one up for your database tables and jar/war filenames. If you are planning on throwing this code away, then just call it anything. But if you might want to keep the code then I suggest making up a sensible signature so you don't have to go back and rename your tables later, change the hibernate files, etc, etc. You don't need to tell us the signature, but if you could tell me a two character code that you would like to use as your "maker of the tool" code then I can add it to our list and then hopefully no else will use it. We use "la" (for "LAMS"). You can email me directly if you want (fmalikoff@lamsinternational.com). Regards, Fiona Posted by Fiona Malikoff |
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