Hi Juan Antonio,
I've just came across this problem recently too...
The problem is the wrapper that allows LAMS to run as a windows service. We use Tanuki's wrapper for this.
However, the version we use is the Community edition that is just 32 bits. If you are running Windows 2008 R2 then that's not good for you.
I guess one option is to purchase the 64 bit version from Tanuki (~$100 USD).
Or, what I did was to use the run.bat instead 
To make sure that LAMS starts on server reboot, I set up a task in the scheduler that would run the run.bat on server start up. I'm not 100% happy with this as it doesn't auto recover if the application freezes or crashes.
There are two alternative open source versions that you might want to explore:
* JSmooth and
* Wrapper
Eventually I would need to look into this as more and more we are seeing Windows 64 bits servers. But if you are willing to have a look at these now and share your experiences with us, it'll be really really helpful.
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione