Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Re: LAMS on MAC cant find localhost


5: Re: LAMS on MAC cant find localhost
In response to 1 07/24/06 02:32 PM
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Hi Ernie

Wow you start early even though the East coast is 30 mins ahead of Adelaide. Thanks for the quick response

You know I leave the temp web page until it automatically tries to get local host and it doesn't work then I try again 5 mins later and still nothing.

I tried the other URL (both in fact just in case :-)) and they didn't work either.

Then something clicked this morning I missed last night. It talks about logged in as Admin. You know I installed as this as a user with admin privileges (I think its all - it does everything I know of) because of the way our ITS people here at Adelaide configured my MAC

Dumb question dept: Could that be the problem and do I have to log out of user and log in as Admin? When I work on LAMS do I have to be logged in as Admin? If so then I guess I have to reinstall it all again. Any hints how to completely uninstall it from my user account.

BTW the LAMS server will still not shut down the way I have it unless I restart.

Again thanks for the help .... I want to work with LAMS and this is the only way I can when my month demo expires so I will never surrender :-)


Posted by Allan Carrington

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