Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Very cool stuff!


6: Very cool stuff!
In response to 1 10/14/05 08:34 PM
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First, the wink tutorials are great. I presently use captivate and if anyone has experience with both I would appreciate any thoughts or comparisons.

Second, I encouraged LAMS as a "moodle module" during the Learning Design book study. It seems to be living up to what I hoped to be its potential. I showed some of this site to one of my clients and they were very excited about the possibilities.

Third, because of the above, I look forward to this rolling out. When do you realistically think that it will be usable in "the real world"?

Fourth, some of the changes that have already been made through this process have improved its usability. I am very thankful to all of the participants who are making suggestions that are leading to these improvements.

Posted by Dean Shankle

7: Re: Very cool stuff!
In response to 6 10/15/05 02:09 AM
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Hi Dean,

> I presently use captivate and if anyone has experience with
> both I would appreciate any thoughts or comparisons.

I haven't really used Captive but have seen what you can do with it and it's more advanced than what you can do with Wink.

For instance, with Captive you can add audio to your flash movies. In Wink, you can't (yet?).

However, one of the things that have surprised me the most in Wink is its simplicity.

It's just *very* simple and intuitive to use. Within 10 minutes you have a pretty good idea how it works.

> When do you realistically think that it will be usable in
> "the real world"?

Well, you'll be able to use the integration once we release LAMS 1.0.2 (which probably be at the end of this month -yeah, we are having some problems packaging it for Windows :-( ). Once LAMS 1.0.2 is out there and we are confident that our LAMS-Moodle PHP module is stable (that'll be from the input of the Moodlers), then we'll release it for people to use. I'm pretty confident this would take another two to three weeks. (Now, that doesn't include translation of the LAMS-Moodle module to other languages!).

Now, I would suggest to be cautious on how you roll this out. It's probably best to start slowly and see potential limitations. Not very concern with technical issues, but on how new users will get familiar and take advantage of the LAMS implementation.

Officially, we haven't announced the LAMS-Moodle integration in the Moodle forums. We have leaked this slowly to some key people (most of them very experienced Moodle users) that were -to certain degree- involved since the beginning (e.g. LD book fellows). Reading from their initial commnents, you can see that it has been a bit of a switch in paradymn for them as well.

But hopefully, the animations and potentially their translation can make implementations run quickly. So I hope :-)


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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