Module: Submit Files for Spanish Mexico

Module Information

Module Name: Submit Files
Description: Learners submit files for assessment by the teacher. Scores and comments may be exported as a spreadsheet.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:41 AM
% translated: 76.36% (126 out of 165)

Translated Labels

English Spanish Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Remove restriction Eliminar restricción 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Date: Fecha y hora: 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
Set restriction Activar restricción 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available. El profesor ha fijado una fecha/hora para esta actividad de {0}. 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
Notification Notificación 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Deadline has been set Se ha activado una restricción de fecha 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Deadline has been removed Se ha eliminado la restricción de fecha 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
Submitted files Archivos enviados LDEV-2194 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
Date and time restriction Restricción de fecha y hora 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
Close Cerrar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No No 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow submissions after you have finished it. As you are returning to this activity, you are able to see your files but not allowed to add more. El instructor ha configurado esta actividad para que una vez finalizada la mismo, no se pueda continuar añadiendo archivos. Como usted ha retornado, no podrá agregar nuevos archivos. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners submit files for assessment by the instructor. Scores and comments may be exported as a spreadsheet. Actividad que permite a estudiantes enviar archivos con tareas o entregas al profesor, el cual puede marcar y dar una puntuación de evaluación. El profesor también puede exportar estas evaluaciones en formato de plantilla de Excel 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners submit files for assessment by the instructor. Scores and comments for each learner are recorded and may be exported as a spreadsheet. Actividad que permite a estudiantes enviar archivos con tareas o entregas al profesor, el cual puede marcar y dar una puntuación de evaluación. El profesor también puede exportar estas evaluaciones en formato de plantilla de Excel 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Tool for learners to submit files for assessment by the instructor. Herramienta que permite a estudiantes enviar archivos con tareas o entregas al profesor 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
View Ver 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Download Descargar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Save Guardar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Basic Básico 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Basic input information for submission Información Básica 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Advanced Avanzado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Please input advance options for submission Ingrese las opciones avanzadas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Title Título 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions Instrucciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Save Guardar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
There is a problem submitting content, the reason is {0} Hay un problem con el envio, la razon es {0} 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Name Nombre de Archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
File Archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Description Descripción del Archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Upload Añadir Archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Finished uploading Terminado de enviar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Uploaded Tiempo de Envio 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Submission date Fecha de Envio 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Comments Comentarios 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marks Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Not available No se encuentra disponible 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No files have been uploaded yet. Ningún archivo ha sido enviado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0} Solo un archivo se puede enviar por ves. El tamaño máximo del archivo es de 1.0 MB 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No files have been uploaded yet. Files can not be uploaded once you choose OK. Ningún archivo ha sido enviado. Archivos no pueden ser enviados después de presionar OK 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Summary Reporte 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
User List Description Lista de Estudiantes 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Instructions Instrucciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Editar Actividad 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Edit Activity description Editar Descripción 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Statistics Estadísticas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Statistics description Descripción de Estadísticas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marking Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marking description Descripción de Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Report marking Reporte de Evaluación 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
File(s) need marking Archivo(s) que necesitan evaluación 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View all marks Ver Todas las Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Mark Evaluación 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Release marks Enviar Evaluaciones a los Alumnos 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Download marks Descargar Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Update marks Actualizar Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Save Guardar Evaluaciones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Finished Finalizar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit activity Editar Actividad 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Cancel Cancelar Edición 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marked files: Archivos Evaluados 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Not marked files: Archivos sin Evaluación 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Total uploaded files Total de Archivos Enviados 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Download failed because of this reason: {0} Ha ocurrido un error en el proceso de descarga: {0} 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
You already upload this file, please waiting for a while. El Archivo que desea enviar ya ha sido enviado, por favor, sea paciente 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The mode "{0}" you've requested is not supported El Modo "{0}" requerido no es soportado por esta actividad 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The content has been created successfully. El Contenido ha sido creado! 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Upload file name Nombre del Archivo a Enviar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Mark is invalid number format. Le evaluación no es un número valido 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Submit Files Tool Herramienta de Envío de Archivos 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Submit Files Authoring Enviar Archivos 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Submit Files with the following instructions: Añadir Anotaciones al finalizar Enviar Archivos con las siguientes instrucciones: 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. El contenido para esta actividad no ha sido definido todavia. Por favor espere a que su profesor defina el contenido. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Try again Refrescar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
submitted the following files Subido los siguientes archivos 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Please assign a mark and a comment for the report by Asigne marcas y comentarios para el reporte de 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Session name Nombre de sessión 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Count Cantidad 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Edit Editar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No Notebook available No hay anotación 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Submit Files Enviar Archivos 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Esta seguro que desea cancelar? Sus cambios no seran guardados 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Are you going to finish submission? ¿Esta seguro de finalizar? 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marks in {0} have been released. Los resultados de {0} han sido publicados. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No data No hay usuarios disponibles 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Continue Continuar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Name Nombre 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Username Usuario 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Reflexión 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View Notebook entries Ver Reflexión 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Set maximum number of files to upload Limitar número de archivos a subir 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Number of files to upload Número de archivos a subiar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Unlimited Ilimitado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Maximum number of files to be uploaded: {0} Puede subir otros {0} archivo(s). 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank. El título no puede estar vacio 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please input Notebook entry Ingrese reflexión 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Notebook Entry Reflexión 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The uploaded file can not be an executable El archivo que intenta subir es un executable y no es aceptado. Puede zipear el archivo y enviarlo nuevamente. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Statistic for monitoring Estadísticas de Seguimiento 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Monitoring Seguimiento 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Lock when finished No permitir modificaciones una vez terminado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marked? Calificado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The maximum length of the file description is {0} characters. La cantidad máxima de caracteres para describir un archivo es de {0}. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
On Si 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Off No 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings Opciones Avanzadas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Submit Agregar anotador al finalizar Envio de Archivos 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Intrucciones del anotador 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
LAMS: Marks were released LAMS: Calificaciones listas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An instructor released marks in a Submit Files activity in LAMS.\nYour marks are:\n\n{0}\nThis message was send automatically, please do not reply to it. El profesor a terminado de otorgar calificaciones a su archivo(s). \nSu calificación es: \n\n{0}\n Este mensaje ha sido enviado automáticamente, no necesita responderlo. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
For the file named "{0}" submitted on {1} the mark is {2}\n Archivo "{0}" enviado el {1}, la calificación es {2}\n 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
LAMS: A learner submitted a file in a Submit Files tool LAMS: un estudiante ha enviado un archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The learner {0} submitted a file in a Submit Files tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool's advanced settings. El estudiante {0} ha enviado un archivo.\n\nEste mensaje ha sido automáticamente siguiendo la configuración seleccionada. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Next Activity Siguiente actividad 04/21/10 12:03 PM Verónica Soriano Marín Become a Translator!
Notify learners when marks are released Notifique a los estudiantes cuando las calificaciones esten listas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notify instructor when a learner submits a file Notifique a los tutores cuando el estudiante haya enviado un archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Submit Files, you won't be able to continue adding files. Atención: una vez finalizada esta actividad no podrá hacer cambios. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Replace Remplazar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Marked file Archivo Evaluado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Response Subir archivo evaluado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notify learner about marked file Notificar a estudiante 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this marked file? ¿Está seguro que desea borrar el archivo? 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Yes 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Warning: One or more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information. Advertencia: uno o más estudiantes han accedido esta actividad. Si desea cambiar el contenido, tenga en cuenta que algunos alumnos recibirán información diferente. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to submit assignments after the set date and time. Los estudiantes no podrán enviar tareas después de la fecha y hora fijada. 02/29/12 03:16 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
LAMS: File was restored. event.file.restore.subject Become a Translator!
An instructor restored your file ''{0}'' in a Submit Files activity in LAMS. This message was send automatically, please do not reply to it. event.file.restore.body Become a Translator!
Instructor {0} deleted file {1} uploaded by learner {2}. audit.file.delete Become a Translator!
Instructor {0} restored file {1} uploaded by learner {2}. audit.file.restore Become a Translator!
Search... Become a Translator!
Finish button.submit Become a Translator!
Uploaded file exceeded maximum size: {0} errors.maxfilesize Become a Translator!
Files submitted in the Submit Files tool output.desc.submitted.items.output.definition.sbmt Become a Translator!
Refresh label.refresh Become a Translator!
Please wait until a group leader finishes the activity. label.waiting.for.leader.finish Become a Translator!
Delete mark file label.monitoring.file.delete Become a Translator!
File options label.file.options Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Notifications label.notifications Become a Translator!
{0} is required. errors.required Become a Translator!
View files label.view.files Become a Translator!
Deleted label.deleted Become a Translator!
Delete label.monitoring.original.learner.file.delete Become a Translator!
Restore label.monitoring.original.learner.file.restore Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete the original file {0} uploaded by the learner? message.monitor.confirm.original.learner.file.delete Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to restore the original file {0} uploaded by the learner? message.monitor.confirm.original.learner.file.restore Become a Translator!
LAMS: File was deleted. event.file.delete.subject Become a Translator!
An instructor deleted your file ''{0}'' in a Submit Files activity in LAMS. This message was send automatically, please do not reply to it. event.file.delete.body Become a Translator!
Add label.add Become a Translator!
Please, wait while somebody will become a group leader label.waiting.for.leader Become a Translator!
Other learners participating in current group: Become a Translator!
Leader selection Become a Translator!
Leader has not started the activity. Please wait until the leader commences it. label.waiting.for.leader.launch.time.limit Become a Translator!
Use leaders from Leader tool Become a Translator!
Marks have been released label.marks.released Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Error while uploading file: {0} error.upload Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Set minimum number of files to upload label.enable.min.limit Become a Translator!
Minimum number of files to be uploaded: {0} label.should.upload.another Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!